产品特性:化工产品 | 产品名称:低发烟不锈钢酸洗膏 | 生产厂家/产地:AVESTA瑞典 |
类别:有机化工 | 品牌:AVESTA | 规格型号:AVESTA RedOne Pickling Paste 140 |
是否危险化学品:否 | 是否进口:是 | 原产国/地区:瑞典 |
AVESTA RedOne? Pickling Paste 140 A powerful, safer-to-use pickling paste.
AVESTA RedOne? Pickling Paste 140功能强大,使用更安全的酸洗膏。
Many of the processes used for pickling stainless steel lead to the development of hazardous nitric fumes. We have developed a ONE Technology, to avoid this with a unique low fuming pickling paste which reduces the toxic nitric fumes by 50%.(许多用于酸洗不锈钢的过程会产生有害的硝酸烟雾。我们已经开发了一种技术,以避免这种独特的低发烟酸洗膏,减少了50%的有毒硝酸烟雾。)
Standard applications标准应用:
The pickling paste restores stainless steel surfaces that have been damaged during fabrication operations such as welding, forming, cutting and blasting.(酸洗膏可以修复在焊接、成型、切割和爆破等制造过程中损坏的不锈钢表面。)
It removes weld oxides, the underlying chromium-depleted layer and other defects that may cause local corrosion.(它可以去除焊缝的氧化物、底层的贫铬层和其他可能导致局部腐蚀的缺陷。)
Avesta RedOne? Pickling Paste 140 is a stronger version for more difficult brush pickling of welds and smaller surfaces, such as high alloyed steel grades and at lower temperatures, For more standard applications we suggest the more low fuming Avesta BlueOne? Pickling Paste 130.(Avesta RedOne?Pickling Paste 140是一个更强的版本,更困难的刷酸洗焊缝和较小的表面,如高合金钢等级和在较低的温度下,对于更标准的应用,我们建议***发烟的Avesta BlueOne?Pickling Paste 130。)
? ONE Technology, 50% NOx-reduction, this prevents the workers from breathing dangerous acid fumes.
? Higher yield, 60% less consumption, thanks to the visible red colour and its free-flowing consistency which facilitates application. (更高的产量,减少60%的消耗,由于其可见的红色和自由流动的一致性,便于应用。)
? Improved pickling result, offers a brighter surface with less dis coloration than classic products, see photos.
Instructions for use:
1. Pre-clean,remove oil and grease using Avesta Cleaner 401, and then rinse off with water.
(1. 使用Avesta Cleaner 401进行预清洁,去除油脂,然后用水冲洗干净。)
2-Stir or shake the paste before usage.(使用前2搅拌或摇晃面团。)
2. Apply the paste with an acid resistant brush.(2. 用耐酸刷子涂抹浆糊。)
3. Typical reaction time for standard alloyed steel grades like 2205 (1.4462 is 90-120 min. at 10°C 60-90 min. at 20°C the pickling time may vary for the same steel grade depending on surface finish.(3.标准合金钢牌号如2205(1.4462)的典型反应时间为90-120分钟。在10°C时为60-90分钟。在20°C时,同一钢号的酸洗时间可能因表面光光度而异。)
4. Rinse off the pickling residuals by using a high-pressure water jet. Use deionized water for the final rinsing of sensitive surfaces. The waste water should be neutralized before discharge.(4. 用高压水射流冲洗掉酸洗残渣。使用去离子水对敏感表面进行***冲洗。废水在排放前应中和。)
Avesta RedOne? Pickling Paste 140 is supplied in 2,4kg and 13kg polyethylene bottles. Availability of different packages sizes may differ between markets.(Avesta RedOne?Pickling Paste140在2,4千克和13千克聚乙烯瓶中供应。不同包装尺寸的可用性可能因市场而异。)
All packing material follows the UN regulations for hazardous goods.(所有包装材料均符合联合国危险品规定。)
Avesta RedOne? Pickling Paste 140 should be stored indoors at room temperature. Containers must be kept properly closed, in an upright position and inaccessible to unauthorized persons.
(Avesta RedOne? Pickling Paste 140应在室温下存放在室内。容器必须保持适当封闭,处于直立位置,未经授权的人员无法进入。)
The product is perishable and should not be kept in storage longer than necessary. The gel may decompose during storage and hence need to be stirred before usage. It has a maximum shelf life of two years when stored at room temperature. Exposure to higher temperatures (>35°C) may damage the product and reduce the shelf life.(该产品易腐烂,不应保存超过必要的时间。凝胶在储存过程中可能会分解,因此在使用前需要搅拌。在室温下保存,最长保质期为两年。暴露在更高的温度下(>35°C)可能会损坏产品并缩短保质期。)
To further improve the result we recommend to remove present oil and grease before pickling using Avesta Cleaner 401.(为了进一步改善效果,我们建议在使用Avesta Cleaner 401进行酸洗之前去除现有的油和油脂。)
To further improve the result we recommend a passivation after pickling using Avesta FinishOne Passivator 630, which is a safer-to-use acid free passivation method.(为了进一步改善结果,我们建议在酸洗后使用Avesta FinishOne钝化剂630进行钝化,这是一种使用更安全的无酸钝化方法。)
Waste treatment废物处理:
The wastewater produced when pickling contains acids and should be treated with Avesta Neutraliser 502 or with slaked lime to a pH-value of 7-10 before discharge. Heavy metals from stainless steel are precipitated as a sludge, and should be sent for deposition according to local regulations.(酸洗时产生的废水含有酸,在排放前应用Avesta中和剂502或用熟石灰处理至ph值为7-10。不锈钢中的重金属作为污泥沉淀,应根据当地规定送去沉淀。)
Empty containers (HDPE) must be cleaned and can then be recycled according to local regulations.(空容器(HDPE)必须清洗,然后可以根据当地法规回收。)