产品特性:化学产品 | 产品名称:超级长效润滑脂 | 生产厂家/产地:AUTOL德国 |
类别:有机化工 | 品牌:AUTOL | 规格型号:AUTOL TOP 2000 400g |
是否危险化学品:否 | 是否进口:是 | 原产国/地区:德国 |
AUTOL TOP 2000 Super-Longtime grease 400g cartridge with lube shuttle
AUTOL TOP 2000 Super-Longtime grease 500g cartridge
AUTOL TOP 2000 Super-Longtime grease 500ml spray can
AUTOL TOP 2000 Super-Longtime grease 500ml tube
AUTOL TOP 2000 Super-Longtime grease 4.5 kg cartridge
AUTOL TOP 2000 Super-Longtime grease 5kg bucket
AUTOL TOP 2000 Super-Longtime grease 15kg bucket
AUTOL TOP 2000 Super-longtime grease 25kg canister
AUTOL TOP 2000超级长效润滑脂
Super-Longtime Grease with a synthetic base oil for longer regreasing intervals.超长寿命润滑脂,采用合成基础油,可延长润滑脂褪色时间。
With Lube Shuttle opening润滑油梭子打开
Properties and Performance特征与性能:
AUTOL TOP 2000 is a special grease with exceptional adhesive properties and very good extreme-pressure (EP) properties - a real Super-Longtime Grease suitab for very long regreasing intervals.
(AUTOL TOP 2000是一种特殊的润滑脂,具有优异的粘接性能和极压(EP)性能,是一种真正的超长寿命润滑脂,适用于很长时间的回涂间隔。)
Under difficult conditions it reduces wear and is especially resistant to wash outs in the lubrication points. It is extremely resistant to salt water, cooling lubricators, plant preservatives and many lyes.
Due to its composition and if applied as directed, according to the manufacturers regulation, it is physiologically harmless and therfore also suitable for application in the foodstuff industry.
Autol Top 2000 is a high pressure grease for the lubrication of vehicles, industrial, constructional and agricultural machines. It can be used without problems in critial lubrication points (impact loads, high moisture, salt water, high pressure with low relative movement). It can also be used for robots, continuous transporters as well as for boats or winter service. Despite the high base oil viscoscity, the application in central lubricating systems is possible without problems.(Autol Top 2000是一种用于车辆、工业、建筑和农业机械润滑的高压润滑脂。它可以在关键润滑点(冲击载荷,高水分,盐水,低相对运动的高压)中使用而不会出现问题。它也可以用于机器人,连续运输以及船只或冬季服务。尽管基础油粘度高,但在中央润滑系统中的应用可能没有问题。)
For the use in wheel and axle bearings, we recommend AUTOL Top 2000 High Temp(对于车轮和轴轴承的使用,我们推荐AUTOL Top 2000高温)