产品特性:不停机堵漏 | 产品名称:堵漏密封胶 | 生产厂家/产地:德国PETROSEAL |
类别:有机化工 | 品牌:PETROSEAL | 规格型号:JNL 1240 B |
是否危险化学品:否 | 是否进口:是 | 原产国/地区:德国 |
PETROSEAL JNL 1240 B核工业管道泄漏密封胶
Major usage :The sealing compound JNL 1240 B is used to stop the industrial leaks without any shutdown.(主要用途:JNL 1240 B密封胶用于不停机的工业泄漏。)
Major specifications :Elastomer based compound in which are incorporated various mineral loads and a solvent. (主要规格:弹性体为基础的化合物,其中包括各种矿物负载和溶剂。)
The leak is mainly stopped by the compression of the sealing compound volume. (泄漏主要是通过压缩密封复合体积来阻止的。)
Then the compound JNL 1240 B has to be injected in an adapted enclosure (please contact the manufacturer).(然后,化合物JNL 1240 B必须注入一个适应的外壳(请联系制造商)。)
Usage recommendations :Its granulometric measuring and its solvent content are giving the compound JNL 1240 B a low fluidity.(使用建议:它的粒度测量和溶剂含量使化合物JNL 1240b具有低流动性。)
The JNL 1240 B product is applicable under certain conditions which are the following :(JNL 1240 B产品适用于以下特定条件:)
Application conditions:应用条件:
Pressure:Up to 240 Bars(压力:高达240 bar)
Temperature:From -180℃ up to +700℃(温度范围:-180℃至+700℃)
Raised - face flanges凸面法兰
- Injected boxes 注射盒
- Stuffing boxes 填料盒
- To be used when insufficient mechanical adjusting and/or in addition with sealing compound JNL 1240 B(-在机械调节不足和/或添加密封化合物JNL 1240 B时使用)
The list below is non-exhaustive and indicative. It has been established from our experience. (下面的列表是不详尽的和指示性的。这是根据我们的经验确定的。)
Air, condensates, water, water + steam, feed water, boiler water, glycol water, process water, superheated water, syrup, steam, steam + condensate, superheated steam, ...(空气、冷凝水、水、水+蒸汽、给水、锅炉水、乙二醇水、工艺水、过热水、糖浆、蒸汽、蒸汽+冷凝水、过热蒸汽、……)
USAGE : 用法:
The sealing compound JNL 1240 B does not require any preparation before its injection. (密封化合物JNL 1240 B在注射前不需要任何准备。)
To use this compound, fitting a metallic enclosure around the leaking part is required. (要使用这种化合物,需要在泄漏部分周围安装金属外壳。)
A specific injection set is needed for injecting the sealing compound.(需要特定的注射装置来注射所述密封化合物。)
Because of its usage, this compound has to be operated by entitled persons only.(由于它的使用,这个大院只能由有资格的人操作)
Our compound is produced by 90 mm long and 15 mm diameter stick (on average). (我们的化合物是由长90毫米,直径15毫米的棒(平均)生产的。)
It is packed in 10 sticks in sealed metallic can (Minimum net weight 310 gr)(10条包装,密封金属罐(最小净重310克))
Storage precautions :The compound has to be stored under an ambient temperature less than 35 °C.(储存注意事项:该化合物必须在环境温度低于35℃的条件下储存。)
Precautions to Optimize Lifetime :In its original conditioning the compound keeps its intrinsic characteristics for 2 years. (优化使用寿命的注意事项:在其原始条件下,该化合物可保持其固有特性2年。)
To preserve the remaining sticks, fill the container with water and close it. The life time will be roughly 2 months.(为了保存剩下的棍子,把容器装满水,然后盖上盖子。寿命约为2个月。)
Lifetime of the compound in the open air :As it is, a stick is staying in proper conditions 48 hours.(化合物在户外的寿命:事实上,一根棍子在适当的条件下可以保持48小时。)
Industrial on-line leak sealing is a temporary repair applying on defective equipment. The owner of this equipment shall then proceed with its replacement or final repair in the shortest terms. (工业在线密封是对有缺陷的设备进行的一种临时修复。然后,该设备的所有者应在***的期限内进行更换或最终维修。)
The information and data contained herein are provided as per our current knowledge. (此处包含的信息和数据是根据我们目前所知提供的。)
Doubtful, it is the user's responsibility to determine suitability of use. (值得怀疑的是,用户有责任确定使用的适用性。)
The relevant Safety Data Sheet could be sent upon request. (有关的安全数据表可应要求发送。)
PETROSEAL only warrants that its products will meet its specifications. There is no warranty of fitness for use nor any other express or implied warranties.(PETROSEAL仅***其产品符合其规格。不***适合使用,也没有任何其他明示或暗示的***。)